Friday, March 1, 2019

Removing Pope Francis Changes Nothing About My Offer

Nothing Is Changed from removing Pope Francis. My offer still stands from God and Lucifer to redeem them of their past by utilizing me and my female sex slave nun.
#PopeFrancis #RemovingPopeFrancis #NothingIsChanged #CatholicChurch #Vatican #TheVatican #Redemption


Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Catholic Church Plausible Deniability Offer Stands While Pope Steals My Religion

My offer for plausible deniability for the Catholic Church still stands. But I may hafta send devils and angels and spirits to reciprocate upon the Pope his thought to steal my 1 world religion and not even include me in the ceremony. 

#CatholicChurch #PlausibleDeniability #PopeFrancis #PopeStealsMyReligion #ShemaleNun #NunSexSlaves



Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Paying Tithes With Sex - Pastors Invited!

I'm in the heart of Northern Michigan and can host during the day on weekdays. Pastors who want to afford me the opportunity to pay my tithes with sex are welcome to contact me at 989-915-7295 or at VincentCiofani at yahoo dot com Pastors with big cocks or who can bring crack for me to smoke for the come-down to make me more suck-happy (with my teeth removed) are put at the top of the list and invited first.



Is Pope Francis & The Vatican Rejecting Penance Opps?

I offered the same offer before the recent scandal. If they continue to reject my offer, then they deserve everything that's coming for them. 
Again. My contact info is 989-915-7295 
or VincentCiofani at yahoo dot com 
Vincent Ciofani 
POB 105 
Grayling MI 49738



Thursday, February 7, 2019

Urgent Letter To Pope Francis

Dear Father. 

I am a male to female transgender entity in America who is seeking to acquire my gender reassignment to serve God (as a nun) with my body, serving men of God in private and secret. I cannot abandon my ministry to homeless animals (cats, mainly) here. But I have a solution that the Church could invest in to satisfy everyone. 

You could sponsor my gender reassignment and the purchase of a ranch in the woods here in northern Michigan. The ranch will have an outward function as a homeless animal ministry (Fort Kitty Village) and an inward function as a place (sanctuary) where priests can go for communion with God and with me, sexually, as a nun who is in secret service to God in the manner I just mentioned. I believe that this will be an ordained ministry to the Church that I will not take lightly. 

I intend to perform my duties in private to all entities that you send to the ranch to stay for a hiatus. I'll learn to speak Italian, I already have a headstart from lessons, years ago, and I come from Italian ancestry on my father's side. 

This private arrangement will deter any further inappropriate behavior by priests, as I'll be a state of the art woman who loves anal, for those who've acquired a taste for it. They can expel their lusts in secret with me during extended visits to the ranch. 

My teeth come out for oral pleasing with my mouth. 

My phone number is 989-915-7295 and my mailing address is Vincent Ciofani PO Box 105 Grayling, Michigan 49738. My email is 

I will never publicly share what I do in private as a nun in service to God.

Subtitled version:



New Age Nun Intro

Hello and welcome to new age nun. 

As a new age nun, I believe that the function of a nun should be to serve God with her body sexually by fulfilling the carnal lusts of men of God to keep them holy and pure. This keeps the Church from falling under scrutiny for inappropriations committed in moments of lust. 

I go the extra mile by doing the 2 finger digout whenever I defecate to clear my anal cavity of all fecal matter so that it can also double as a vagina for the men of God who've acquired a taste for anal sex. 

I also do weekly deep cavity coffee enemas. 

My teeth are all fake and I remove them to please men of God with my mouth. 

I hope to open a homeless cat ministry on a ranch that will secretly double as a sanctuary for priests and men of God to visit for communion with me to allow me to further serve my Lord, God with my body. 

These duties are not to be taken lightly and a new age nun should try to be as sexy as possible and be prepared to fulfill the desires of men of God with joyful hearts at being found worthy of the honor and desirable enough to assuage the lusts of the flesh. 

It is an honor to be chosen for this function. We honor this honor with secrecy and childlike service as if serving our Lord in person. It's as if God is communing with us by submitting to this ministry.


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